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Saturday, May 12, 2012


Again, actors pull shit. Again, I have to set things straight. If you are an actor who has worked with me in the past or someone who would like to work with me in the future or any film maker for that matter, READ THIS AND REMEMBER IT.

If you commit to a project, commit to it. Do it. Your word is your bond and in this industry, you never know who the person you're fucking over will be later in life. If you committed to a project that doesn't have shoot dates, but then you commit to another project that does, then the first project comes back and says they are shooting on the same dates, YOU DO THE PROJECT THAT HAD THE DATES FIRST! This isn't rocket science. It's common sense.

For there being so many "spiritual" actors out there, do you understand what Karma is? It will come back on you. When you flake out if a project, you hurt all those people who are working on it. That is a super selfish thing to do.

Plus, if it goes up on imdb, you stick with that damn film! Do not quit, for any reason. That's just tacky.

If you do this to me, don't ever say, "I'm really sorry and I hope that we can work with each other again in the future." cuz it ain't gonna happen. You fuck me once, shame on you, you fuck me twice.... You get the idea.

Since I'm on a rant let me continue. The other thing that destroys relationships in this biz is when an actor does a film for you then asks you to take it off there imdb because their manager wants it off or because pilot season is coming or because you're up for a Disney film. Of you can't handle a project, there are other people dying for credits. Don't be so selfish to take the job from someone else then bug me to take you off imdb. If you have any doubt, don't do the picture. Not hard.

Bottom line, be true to yourself and don't commit to anything you know you can't do and don't take off after you have. It's bad business. It makes you look like a flake and it won't get you more work.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gratitude List

Today, I am truly grateful for...

My beautiful and talented wife, Nikki
My extremely intelligent daughter, Chaile
The Page Museum
Pit 91
Project 23
The tar pits
Bacon wrapped hot dogs
My computer
People who believe in me
The Universe
The city of Hollywood, you are truly magical
Providence Medical Center
The Goddess ;) she is so freaking sexy!
Abundance of finances
The guy outside of the Tar pits playing the banjo
My soul.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gratitude list

Today, I am grateful for my beautiful wife Nikki. I love her so much and would do anything for her. Wish I never would have taken her for granted. She is so amazing. Today she read me an article about people belly laughing during climax. It was great. I recorded a video of it but she would kill me if I posted it. Lol. Today I am also grateful that I was able to try new things with her. We had Peruvian food today for the first time and it was really good. I know now that when I go to Machu Pichu, I won't starve. (I'm sure I spelt that wrong). We then went to Percila's coffee shop. (spelt that one wrong too I bet). And just talked and people watched. Had a funny joke about sodomy with the barista. Good times. We then got some good smelling stuff at Mindful Nest. It makes her smell so good. Never forget that. Grateful for it. Then we went to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner. We came home had another big talk, then meditated and napped. Grateful for those moments. Then we had visitors again. It seemed ok. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Grateful that those visits have been peaceful. Nikki then made some shrimp fettacini Alfredo while I made a mixed veggie salad with a red wine vinaigrette. Very good dinner. I have never liked shrimp but Nikki did a great job cooking it in butter and garlic. It was really good. Grateful for that experience. Then we had a smoke, made some coffee, watched The Ward (better than I thought) and then we ended our date day with her logging onto work and me sitting out back blogging. All in all, it was amazing to get outside the house and be with her under better circumstances. I love her do much and she is so beautiful and such a good mom. I love her with all my heart and can't imagine life without her. Again, something I'm grateful for. I know a lot of people out there will never find the kind of love that Nikki and I share and that makes me a little sad. But I also know that when you don't have something this special, you can never know the pain of losing it. And if you fall into that category, consider yourself lucky. Because that guy that says, "it's better to love and lost than to never love at all" is completely full of shit. That brings me to my next point. Being Creep Creepersin has been so very bitter sweet. I have attained all my childhood dreams: made movies, written books, recorded albums, gone on tour, etc. But, one of my biggest dreams that being Creep Creepersin has helped me fail at was being the best husband in the world. I used to take pride in thinking that I was in a healthy marriage and that I wouldn't become like my parents. But in neglecting things in my personal life in exchange for my career, really took its toll. I always thought there would be more time to do all the family stuff and that my marriage was solid and that nothing could break that. One thing could, Creep Creepersins ego! So, if you are reading this and your married, please listen to have to put your spouse first. There will never be enough time or enough money to do the things you want with your spouse. You just have to do them now. There will always be reasons and excuses to not do something, but when your alone, all those reasons and excuses seem pretty petty and small. Once you hit that point, there is absolutely nothing that can save it. It's over. Lucky for me, I think I have another chance to make things right and save my family. I'm taking anger management classes, meditation classes, and most importantly, re-evaluating my life and career. At this point, I don't know what I am or what I'll do. I just know that nikki will come first and Creep will have to take a very distant backseat while Matt tries to better his life. I am grateful for that. Good luck to you all.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gratitude List

Things I am grateful for at this very moment...

Hot coffee
A warm bed
Brisk, chilly mornings
The Nik-Cave
The rump shake
Being present in the moment
The next 6 weeks
My dogs
My guitar
My home
My mom
The one who was here for the first time
Star maps
Nikki's eyes
Nikki's hair
Nikki's touch
Nikki's mouth
Our future...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well well well. Let's stick to biz shall we?


Brothers Cannibal, Lovesick Captivity and Finger Bang are being shopped around right now. News on who and where will be availble soon.

Theater of Derange which is an antholgy film produced by Psykik Junky Pictures, that I made the short Cannibal Blood Girl for (starring Sophie Dee, Veronica Ricci, Brain Redban, Doug Waugh, Kevin E Scott), has been picked up by World Wide Multi Media and will be out soon. The film also has 4 other shorts by James Cullen Bressack, Shawn C Phillips and more.

Brides of Sodom has been picked up by Media Blasters and will be out May/June of this year. Yay! The film starts Domiziano Arcangeli, Dylan Vox, David Taylor, Elina Madison, Peter Stickles, Chandler Maness, Rachel Zeskind and a slew of others.

I Was a Teenage Suicide, Reanimated Roadkill and Lake Death are still in post and other Creep Classics like Erection, MKC: Monster Killers Club Season 1, Creep Creepersin's Creepshow parts 1 and 2 should be released sometime this year as well.

There are a ton of films that I am working on this year in one way shape or form. The Fallen Kingdom is a fantasy film based on the book with the same name. As well as a couple really fun, quriky, dry, comedy / horrors too. More on those later.


Creepersin Reanimated came out on CD in November and has been doing great. Thanks to everyone who has picked it up. Spread the word about it.

We are recording a new EP right now that has the theme song from my short Cannibal Blood Girl called Cannibal Blood Girl. Lol. That should be out soon. And it will be availble for free for a limited time so make sure you check back often.

We are also going to be recording a "Live" album. That is the majority of the songs we plyed on the reanimated tour.

Also, i am recording at least one acoustic album this year. maybe more.


There is talks about some kind of show. There is also talks about a web show produced by Charlie Vaughn. There is also a book that i am writing that i would like to have out by summer. But, really, there is just a BUNCH of writing going on at this time. :)

Gratitude List of the Day

Things I am grateful for...

The Charlie's
Jay Platt
Wicked Media
Mike and Ramona
Felissa and Barney
James and Jarret
The Dogs
Soft Hands
Full Lips
Blue Eyes
The Removal of the Wobbly
Knees and Elbows
Box Camera's
Paranormal Utopia
The Park
Maxim Media
My Home
My Car
My Life
The Universe
The Vortex
The Sound of Hair
Burbank LOA
Mike Dooley
My future
My Wife
My Soul Mate
My Partner
Growing Old

That's all for now. I am being slammed with so many things to be grateful for. If you don't see yourself on this list. Its ok. Its what I am feeling right now in my blissful state. If you would like to talk more about the things in this list, please contact me here or at