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Saturday, May 12, 2012


Again, actors pull shit. Again, I have to set things straight. If you are an actor who has worked with me in the past or someone who would like to work with me in the future or any film maker for that matter, READ THIS AND REMEMBER IT.

If you commit to a project, commit to it. Do it. Your word is your bond and in this industry, you never know who the person you're fucking over will be later in life. If you committed to a project that doesn't have shoot dates, but then you commit to another project that does, then the first project comes back and says they are shooting on the same dates, YOU DO THE PROJECT THAT HAD THE DATES FIRST! This isn't rocket science. It's common sense.

For there being so many "spiritual" actors out there, do you understand what Karma is? It will come back on you. When you flake out if a project, you hurt all those people who are working on it. That is a super selfish thing to do.

Plus, if it goes up on imdb, you stick with that damn film! Do not quit, for any reason. That's just tacky.

If you do this to me, don't ever say, "I'm really sorry and I hope that we can work with each other again in the future." cuz it ain't gonna happen. You fuck me once, shame on you, you fuck me twice.... You get the idea.

Since I'm on a rant let me continue. The other thing that destroys relationships in this biz is when an actor does a film for you then asks you to take it off there imdb because their manager wants it off or because pilot season is coming or because you're up for a Disney film. Of you can't handle a project, there are other people dying for credits. Don't be so selfish to take the job from someone else then bug me to take you off imdb. If you have any doubt, don't do the picture. Not hard.

Bottom line, be true to yourself and don't commit to anything you know you can't do and don't take off after you have. It's bad business. It makes you look like a flake and it won't get you more work.
