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Monday, June 2, 2008

Frankenstein - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Victor sneaks back through the house, through the kitchen and through his door. Victor walks up the stairs. As Victor turns the corner, through the beaded curtain, he says, “No, I didn’t forget about you Frankenstein. I have your breakfast right here.”

Victor reaches down and picks up a bag of pet food. Victor then walks through his dining room, through his living and into his bedroom. There, on his nightstand next to his bed, is a cage. Inside this cage is the odd ball anti-hero of this story. It is a rat named Frankenstein.

Now, Victor named the rat Frankenstein for a few different reasons. I will start with just a couple. Victor relates a lot with Frankenstein the Monster. This is because of how misunderstood the creature was. All he wanted was love, and all that he received was fear and hate. Another reason why Victor named the rat Frankenstein is because, like me, he already had rats named Bela, Boris, Vincent, Edgar, Eric and Motley. Like me, Victor wanted to give his creature more mythical names instead of just names that were favorite actors of his.

Now that last reason that I will share with you is a good one! This reason is filled with speculation and all sorts of hear say and what have you (even though it is just hear say and what have you from Victor and myself). One night, not too long ago, when Victor was just walking around the lot in which the house sits that he lives in, he heard a very high pitch squeaking. It was ear piercing. Although I might want to add right here that I heard the shriek but Victor, Victor heard something else entirely. What Victor heard was a cry for help, coming from the direction of Shelly’s bonfire pit. Victor quickly turned and ran over to the pit. And right there, up against the stones and bricks of the pit was a shaking little rat. He was maybe no more than three inches from nose to tail and was a very light grey color. But the reason why our little friend was screaming was the very large nutria that sat a few inches from our rat friend.

Nutria’s were brought in to the Northwest after most of the beavers were killed by poachers and other assholes who liked to kill the beavers. They were brought in from Canada to try to trick the people of Northwest that there were still beavers running around. There were a few problems with this plan however. First off, Nutria’s do not have big beaver tails. Second, they are fucking huge! Third, they are extremely mean and territorial. So the few beavers that were left in the Northwest have all been pretty much killed off by the Nutria’s. Good plan.

So, Victor scares the Nutria off after it attacked Victor’s leg but somehow Victor managed to step on it. After this happened, the nutria scampered into the brush. The rat on the other hand was hurt; Victor thought for sure that it was dead. So, like any good individual, Victor brought it inside and tried to bring it back to life with the use of electricity! Victor unscrewed the light bulb from the lamp that sits on his end table and then he put the rat’s tail into his mouth and sucked on it. He got it really, really wet. He made sure that he was grounded with the soles of his rubber shoes on the ground and he sat the rat down, tail first, into the lamp.

Thunder clapped and light struck in great succession. All the electrical devises went haywire and sparks were coming out of every which way! Just as the music hit the crescendo, everything went calm, and in Victor’s hand, was a rat; a rat that now moved with new life!

Do I believe that story? No, not at all. Victor doesn’t even believe it. The main reason being is that he hasn’t thought of it yet. In about five years from now, when Victor gets caught trying to molest a child that lives nearby, the child will tell that story to the police as to how Victor got the kid up in his room. Apparently, Victor will say to that child, “Hey you want to see my rat that I raised from the dead?”

So now Victor sits on the edge of his bed hand feeding the rat, whose name is Frankenstein. Frankenstein doesn’t seem to be very hungry. Victor on the other hand, really wants Frankenstein to eat though because he doesn’t want Frankenstein to get any ideas about eating people after watching George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead! So, after about 10 minutes or so, Frankenstein eats a few pieces of corn and seed.

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