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Saturday, September 5, 2009


hey all. just wanted to vent a little bit. i haven't been making movies as long as some, but i have been making more of them than most. with that being said, i have talked with and worked with a lot of actors. so, if you are an actor i have worked with, an actor i almost worked with, or an actor that someday would like to work with me, this following blog is a word of advice to you.

if you commit, COMMIT, to a project, you should do the freaking project! i don't care what crappy excuse you have. because they all are crappy. i have not ever had one good excuse as to why someone could not show up or had to drop out of a film of mine. now, if your mom dies or something, i understand and that's cool. just know that i will check the obits in your moms town to make sure that she is dead. now if you do decide that you need to break your commitment from my film, please, for the love of god, don't say, "i would love to work with you again inn the future" or "keep me in mind for future projects". The truth of the matter is that i will NEVER ask you on a project again because you are unreliable and undependable. if i'm not responding to your emails and i'm not returning your phone calls, its because you put me in a fucked up situation. i will never get fucked twice by the same person unless they are my wife. so quit trying to write me cute emails and get on nikki's good side. you are done with us. we are done with you.
Also, i will tell every filmmaker i know that you are a flake. i will make sure that i will do everything in my power to make sure that you don't work with anyone i know ever again. 1. because your a flake. 2. because i do not wish flaky actors on even my worse enemies and 3. the last thing i need is to have your flaky ass drop my fucking name in an audition and making me look like a douche when you don't show up to set. if one of your excuses to not show up is that you are getting paid more on another job. i will fucking call that director or production company and find out. i know how much most companies pay. so don't fucking tell me you are $200 a day to be in freakshow 2 when 1. its not getting made and 2. that company doesn't pay that much. i'm not a fucking idiot! if i offer you a job, and you don't want it. say, "wow creep, that story sounds pretty shitty. i don't think i want that on my resume" or "I'm expecting a call from a big agent and i want to have a free schedule." those things are fine. i make a ton of movies all the time, we will meet up again down the road. but do not, DO NOT, say you will do it and then back out. i don't care if i have 8 months notice or 3 seconds notice. if you back out, you will never work with me again. there are a ton of great actors coming to LA from all over the place that would love to work because they love acting. they love the art. they aren't jaded by the hollywood club night life yet. they still are chasing their dreams and not chasing huge paychecks or leading roles. not everyone can be the star of the same movie. give a little people. anyhow, i could go on.....and i will next, if you tell me your day and its a lot higher than an a well known b listers sag ultra low minimum. don't fucking talk to me. i am so sick of hearing these actors who have agents that want them to get astronomical amounts of money that they are not worth to play the same parts they were playing last year. unless you are a draw name, unless your starmeter on imdb is below 10,000 (i know you know what that is, i'm sure that you check it everyday to keep your self esteem high or low depending on how you're feeling that week) don't give me your high ass day rates. just because your agent wants you to get that much so they can get a great cut, doesn't mean, your name is worth a damn to distributors. think about it. if that's the game your playing, then have your agent get you gigs and just sit at home and drink red bull and watch the lifetime and cry every now and then because your phone isn't ringing.

wow. i seem pretty upset right now. sorry.

if we are in contact and i seem nice to you, we are cool. i'm not trying to really call anyone out here. this happens a lot which i s why i'm writing this.

but, if you are sitting in front of your computer wondering, "is Creep talking about me?" then i probably am jerk! i will not work with you ever again.

have a good night.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


That's right! The Vag/Holo trailer is here!!! Again, for those of you that dont know, Vaginal Holocaust stars Natasha Talonz, Matty Thunders, Elissa Dowling, Elske McCain, Sean Cain, Shane Ryan, Christine Eaton, Nathaniel Branch, Ryan Kidwell and myself. It Features the song Vampire by an awesome band from Japan U.K.L.! If everything goes well, Vag will be out in a limited Theaterical Release by January 2010!!! and then a dvd release to follow. also keep your eye out for a Caged Lesbos A Go Go and a He trailer in the coming days or weeks. But for now, Suck on this.