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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Creep Creepersin's Creepshow is out now!!!

That's right. you can get your copy of CC's Creepshow on DVD. i know its been a long time coming but here it is. it has all my short films and music videos along with all my trailers too! Creep Creepersin CREEP CREEPERSIN'S CREEPSHOW DVD is out now!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


well. where to start. ok. major accomplishment. i signed the distro contracts with brain damage for O.C. Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown. I think that they are changing Zombietown to Zombie Town, but whatever. Really, i don't care.

We wrapped shooting Peeping Blog yesterday. It was great. Ariauna Albright and Elissa Dowling were freakin rad! I on the other hand, don't know how my performance was. i was so affraid of hurting them that i think i went a little too easy on them. after almost killing Natasha Talonz during the Vag shoot, i am just very very scared of hurting anyone. on another point, playing the Peeper, was very disturbing. That was by far the hardest thing i have had to do as an actor. it beats out a porn director, a mute messenger, a dream man in a mask, a killer in the woods, a out of touch husband, a backwoods vampire, the voice of a transmission or a man vacuuming. i just felt axious the whole time, i thought for sure that cop was going to arrest me while we were shooting. i did things that afterwards i thought to myself, "dude, what the fuck are you doing?" it was hard. that's what she said.

We are getting Erection ready for distro. putting everything together. hopfully, we can get He done this week or next. and then that way, we can get on top of vaginal holocaust.

all day today, i have been trying to get a rough cut of peeping blog, on adobe premire pro. i am a total douche bag. i have rendered a grand total of 6 1/2 hours today.

Creep Creepersin's Creepshow is at the replicators, and Frankenstein will follow shortly there after.

I am writting Orgy of Blood right now and should have a finished copy of that by the end of the week. score.

maybe some day i can get another episode of mr. snowman. who knows.

If the edit of Peeping Blog goes good, this weekend i will be shooting peeping blog part 2: las vegas.

tomorrow night i will be on the independant corner with jonathan moody at 7pm pst. so please look it up and tune in. to hear all of these great little stories. rock.

keep it creepy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


O.C. Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown is all done and ready to be shipped off to distro. so get your limited edition copies of the dvd while you still can. they will only be on sale for another day or two. I will let everyone no when the official release date will be for that.

Next up is Erection! After going back and forth on this for awhile now, we have decided to pull the film and try to fix the audio. with that being said, if you have the erection dvd, you now own a small piece of history.The new and improved Erection will be out sometime in march or april.

HE is next. Now, this movie is looking more and more beautiful everytime Gary comes by with a new cut or "look" to it. We will be sending this one off to festivals and such so the release date or what not is not known at this time. but we will keep you up to speed on it.

Now some neat stuff from my past!!! Both Creep Creepersin's Creepshow and Creep Creepersin's Frankenstein, are going to be seeing the light of day here pretty freakin soon.two of my all time favorite prjects will finally be availible for everyone to see. Creepshow will be done by the end of the month and Frankenstein will be done and out by the end of march.

And last but not least, Vaginal Holocaust! We are in the proccess of editing and everything looks fantastic. this one is going to be BIG. so be prepared. Hopefully we will be a Fango this year with a bunch of Vagirific goodies. but until then, here's a taste...

I have a few more things that are coming up. I will be doing a flick at the end of the month with Ariauna Albright and Elissa Dowling called Peeping Blog. Then a more Erotic Vamp tale that i can't say anything about yet. and finally i will be acting in Paul Hough's Human Race. so things are good.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Amateur Porn Star Killer 3D

I also have a very small role in the new Shane ryan flick, Amateur Porn Star Killer 3D. I'm at the end of this trailer. pretty sweet.

Vaginal Holocaust is in the can!!!

ya. we are done. after three days of rain we did it. i just really want to thank everyone invovled. Natahsa, Elissa, Elske, Sean, Shane, Bryan, Matty, Gary, Buz, Christine, Ryan, Emma, Ian, Aine, Brain and most imporantly, my beautiful wife Nikki. thank you all sooooooo much. this film is the best one yet.